Author Archives: Jeeves

[Video] How to Create Stunning Chapter Headings in MS Word

As a small child, Word Tips and Tricks was used to people ignoring him. For years he thought he was invisible. A cursed soul doomed to walk shopping malls never getting a glance from others. Even the dogs didn’t bark at him. Maybe your Word docs feel the same. Ignored. Abandoned. The ugly duckling of […]

[Video] How to add the Euro currency (€) symbol to MS Word

Ah yes, that crazy Euro currency (€) symbol. You’d think it would be on your keyboard, especially if you bought it in Europe, wouldn’t you? Anyway, it’s not, is it? So, just how to do you add it to your Word doc? Is there some mystical keyword combination that’ll add the Euro currency (€) symbol […]

[Video] How to remove private data from MS Word before Converting to PDF

Too lazy to read? Scroll down and watch the video, ya young whelp. Hey! Stop before you create that PDF! When Word Tips and Tricks was a small child it created a PDF without removing important things in the file properties. Things grandma didn’t want published on the interweb. Alas, WTT didn’t know and got […]

How to add ‘building blocks’ to MS templates

Building blocks are reusable pieces of content or other document parts that are stored in galleries to be accessed and reused at any time. You can also save building blocks and distribute them with templates. For example, you may create a report template that provides your template users with two cover letter types to choose […]