On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Design Mode, and then insert the controls that you want, for example, let’s enter a series of rich text controls for a report.
How to insert a text control where users can enter text
In a rich text content control, users can format text as bold or italic, and they can type multiple paragraphs. If you want to limit what users add, insert the plain text content control.
1. In the document, click where you want to insert the control.
2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Rich Text Content Control rich text control or the Plain Text Content Control plain text control.
Enter Report Name Here
Enter the sub-title of the report here
Enter the contents of the report in here. Enter the contents of the report in here. Enter the contents of the report in here. Enter the contents of the report in here.
How to Insert a picture control
1. Click where you want to insert the control.
2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Picture Control picture control.
Insert a combo box or a drop-down list
In a combo box, users can select from a list of choices that you provide or they can type in their own information. In a drop-down list, users can only select from the list of choices.
1. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click the Combo Box Content Control combo-box control or Drop-Down List Content Control drop-down menu control.
2. Select the content control, and then on the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Properties.
3. To create a list of choices, click Add under Combo Box Properties or Drop-Down List Properties.
4. Type a choice in the Display Name box, such as Yes, No, or Maybe. Repeat this step until all of the choices are in the drop-down list.
5. Fill in any other properties that you want.
Note: If you select the Contents cannot be edited check box, users won’t be able to click a choice…
Insert a date picker
1. Click where you want to insert the date picker control.
2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click the Date Picker Content Control date picker control.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Click here to enter a date.
Insert a check box
1. Click where you want to insert the check box control.
2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click the Check Box Content Control check box control.
Insert a building block gallery control
You can use building block controls when you want people to choose a specific block of text.
For example, building block controls are helpful if you’re setting up a contract template, and you need to add different boilerplate text depending on the contract’s specific requirements. You can create rich text content controls for each version of the boilerplate text, and then you can use a building block gallery control as the container for the rich text content controls.
You can also use a building block control in a form.
1. Click where you want to insert the control.
2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Building Block Gallery Content Control building block gallery control.
3. Click the content control to select it.
4. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Properties.
5. Click the Gallery and the Category for the building blocks that you want to make available in the building block control.
Set or change the properties for content controls
1. Select the content control, and click Properties in the Controls group.
2. In the Content Control Properties dialog box, choose whether the content control can be deleted or edited when someone uses your template.
3. To keep several content controls or even a few paragraphs of text together, select the controls or the text, and then click grouping the Controls group.
Add instructional text to a template
Instructional text can enhance the usability of the template that you create. You can change the default instructional text in content controls.
To customize the default instructional text for your template users, do the following:
1. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Design Mode.
2. Click the content control where you want to revise the placeholder instructional text.
Click here to enter text.
3. Edit the placeholder text and format it any way you want.
4. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Design Mode to turn off the design feature and save the instructional text.
Choose an item.