How to stop Word automatically capitalizing words

How do you stop Word from automatically capitalizing words? Want to correct a word that contains mixed uppercase and lowercase letters. 

Video Tutorial

Watch the following totorial to learn how to configure Word to proofread your documents – the way you want!

How to Steps

1. Go to File > Options > Proofing.
2. Click AutoCorrect.
3. Click Exceptions.

Do one or more of the following to prevent AutoCorrect from:

To capitalize a word you type after a specific abbreviation:

4. Click the First Letter tab, and then type the abbreviation (including the period) in the Don’t capitalize after box.

To correct a word that contains mixed uppercase and lowercase letters:

5. Click the INitial CAps tab, and then type the word in the Don’t correct box.

To correct a spelling error:

6. Click the Other Corrections tab, and then type the misspelled word in the Don’t correct box.

7. Click Add, and then click Close.