Looking for proofing tools for MS Office? Need better grammar checker, thesaurus, or hyphenation tools for your documents?
One of the difficulties with MS Office, especially Word, is that the proofing tools for spellchecking, grammar, and writing are a bit limited.
That’s the bad news. The goodish news is that there are three useful tools (all free) that you can download from Microsoft to improve your writing, editing, and collaboration.
Proofing tools for MS Office 2010/2013
You can use the tools for multilingual individuals, families, and small businesses.
Language Interface Pack
The Language Interface Pack is free and includes the display for your selected language, and for some Office applications and may include some proofing tools.
Proofing Tools
Each pack includes a spell checker and, depending on the language, additional proofing tools such as a grammar checker, thesaurus, or hyphenation.
Screen Tips
Change the ScreenTip language to change the names of your ScreenTips – buttons, menus and dialogs – into another language by pointing to them with the mouse.
Download links
Office 2013 Language Options –
Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 –