I have Microsoft Word on two different PCs. My old laptop have Word 2003 (which I know and love) and the new, shiny desktop has (sadly) Word 2007. It’s not so bad, but the ribbon is driving me insane.
Here are 5 things I can’t make it do:
- Add to or rearrange the commands on the Ribbon.
- Change or remove a command or group on the Ribbon.
- Add tabs to the Ribbon, unless you use XML and programming code.
- Switch to the toolbars and menus from earlier versions of Microsoft Office.
- Change the font or font size used on the Ribbon.
If you know of others, let me know.
I have wasted so much time trying to find where commands are in the new 2007 version, it really beggar’s belief.
Whereas in 2003, I have my way around real quick.
If you know any tips on getting the best from 2007 – and even how to customize the ribbon – please let me know.