Category Archives: Tips

How to Use MS Word for Proofreading (with examples and guidelines)

If you plan to write business or technical documents, it helps to know how to proofread the document before you send it out. We’ve all seen that one typo that undermines the quality of the writer. It suggests they may have rushed the material or didn’t pay enough attention when revising the text.

How to automatically format hyphens as en dashes and em dashes

Learn how to automatically format hyphens as en dashes and em dashes.

By using AutoFormat, you can quickly apply formatting such as headings, bulleted and numbered lists, borders, numbers, symbols, and fractions to your text.

You can automatically format a document either as you type or after you’ve written it. In both cases, you can control which automatic changes Word makes. You can also turn off automatic formatting.

Does your writing pass the 5 second test?

Skimmers are likely to spend 20 seconds or less skimming a document to decide whether or not to read it more carefully. Skim your document for 20 seconds, and mark what stands out most to you in that amount of time. After you are finished, see if what you have marked is able to convey […]

[Tutorial] How to Create a Macro in MS Word 2007

One of the hidden features in Microsoft Word is macros. These are small mini-programs that you can create to automate tasks, for example, formatting a document, changing the layout or updating styles. What is a macro? A macro is a series of commands and instructions that you group together as a single command to accomplish […]

How to Change the Background Color in MS Word Documents

The bright white text area of most word processors can become a quite tiring on the eyes after a few hours. You can of course jiggle the brightness and contrast settings on your monitor but a far better solution is to give your blank pages a light grey tint.  Open Word so that you can […]